Call for a Free Consultation 904-534-1290
Call for a Free Consultation 904-534-1290

Benefits of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle but profound therapy that works with the natural rhythms of the body to awaken the potential health of the system.

In our everyday life, we encounter physical and emotional stress that creates challenges to remaining calm, healthy and balanced. These stresses manifest themselves within the body through chronic pain, reoccurring infections, interrupted sleep patterns, and an overall decrease in energy to mention a few.

My healing approach is to use Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as a tool to bring awareness to these restrictive and chronic problems. I help individuals connect with their inner resilience and the vitality of their nervous system.

As a treatment plan, it is imperative that the therapist trust the wisdom of the body to direct the work and thus honor the results. It is in the listening to the quiet stillness that the client can find inner peace, renewed health and energy.

As I work with patients of all ages, it is the health of the system that I honor and not the "dis-ease" of their bodies. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy recognizes not only the health of the system, but the inner vitality and resilience of each individual. Patients may feel safe in their body for the first time, and calm enough to concentrate on their inner strength and their ability to heal.

Successful treatment of adults in the following areas:

Chronic pain (including fibromyalgia);
Headaches (including migraines and cluster headaches);
Digestive Problems (including IBS, reflux, constipation);
Relieve TMJ;
Heal concussions and traumatic brain injury;
Provide a sense of safety when dealing with emotional and psychological problems;
Ease sleep disturbances.

Working with young people(ages 5-17):

Increase their calmness and increase their focus;
ADHA, impulse control;
Anxiety and feeling scared, especially at night;
Autism - to reduce hypersensitivity to light and sound, and become better focused.

Infants & Newborns

Birth Trauma;
Breast feeding;
Digestive problems;
Enhancement of sleeping patterns;
Calming the nervous system in brain-injured patients;
Helping to reshape plagiocephaly (flathead syndrome);
Resolving anxiety and increasing the sense of bonding and attaching;

Visit my resources page for some videos and links to additional information on BCST.